On eyelashes and more . . .
Roman told me yesterday "Hola is Spanish for Hello!" Yes, he's probably spending too much time on pbskids.com, but I keep telling myself "It's educational!"

While we're on the subject of eyelashes, may I say I had the pleasure of participating in an on-line poll about mascara . . . an entire poll about 1 particular brand of mascara. Who knew there were so many qualities to mascara (mostly invented by advertising folk I'm sure): clumpiness, separateness, long-lastingness, and yes, the all important BRUSH! Moreover, can you believe I spent over 5 minutes actually completing said survey? Don't worry, I'm going back to work next week.
And speaking of mascara, I have long felt that just as bare armpits are banned from deodorant ads, false eyelashes should be banned from mascara ads. That's absolutely cheating. What's next, luxurious, flowing wigs in shampoo ads? Thin body doubles in Jenny Craig ads? These marketing people will stop at nothing!!! By the way, I'll be working in marketing when I go back next week . . . I guess we'll see how that plays out . . .
Until next time!
And speaking of mascara, I have long felt that just as bare armpits are banned from deodorant ads, false eyelashes should be banned from mascara ads. That's absolutely cheating. What's next, luxurious, flowing wigs in shampoo ads? Thin body doubles in Jenny Craig ads? These marketing people will stop at nothing!!! By the way, I'll be working in marketing when I go back next week . . . I guess we'll see how that plays out . . .
Until next time!