Thoughts and photos by Lois. It's supposed to be funny, or thought-provoking, or both.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What is frugivorous?

Everyone (well, more accurately, perhaps many people) asked for an update on the NZ/Australia trip. Unfortunately, I don't know where to start. When I reappeared in my jetlaggish state on Monday 3/9, people at work politely queried "How was your trip?" To which I answered, in my pedantic and unswervingly honest way: "too long and too short, exhausting and exhilarating, amazing and wonderful, all at the same time."

Anyway, I was doing something online today, and I found the word "frugivore", which was a link, so I clicked on it and found the wikipedia entry which stated: "A frugivore is a type of herbivore (plant-eating animal) that eats a substantial portion of fruit."

Which reminded me of our amazing and wonderful (see first paragraph) hosts, Guy, Francesca, and Jasmine Carpenter, who ARE vegetarians AND took us to see a Tablelands fruit bat rescue facility where Australia's flying foxes are sheltered and rehabilitated. Before you get all ishy about the bats, let me say that their wings looked like really soft black leather -- so soft! While we visited with our hosts later, Guy mentioned that once he had met a group of "fruitarians" who said they just needed amino acids to get by in life...hmmmmm.... so man CAN live by fruit alone?

LoSpace readers, feel free to look into that!


Queen B said...

sooooooooooooooo jealous of your trip! I totally get the too long/too short description :) :(

Guy said...

The fruitarians I met were super-lean and out doing healthy things with surprisingly few outward signs of vampirism.

I see that the Wikipedia entry on fruitarianism alludes to hunger, cravings, food obsessions, social disruptions and social isolation. Sounds like fun, but I see that in the original citation the author is counselling a 15-year old against weight loss through any form of restrictive eating; I don't personally think the author intended that as a targetted criticism of the fruitarian diet.

Jane said...

We missed you! Welcome home!!!

Love the photos!

St. Paul Sybarite said...

K I'm finally-inally going to comment. I just noticed how and I fear you'll rue this day.

I met a vegan. We talked. I was intrigued.

In retrospect, I'm pretty close to a vegetarian. Unless somebody grills up a juicy ribeye or roasts me a mongo prime rib, animal flesh just does not catch my fancy. Wait, include sushi and steak-like fishies in the "I'll have that" category.

Sooooo (prepare to bail NOW) the Commandment about not killing pops into my head. Could it be, do ya think, did God mean "don't be killing each other" or did he mean "don't be killing each other AND don't be killing the gentle cow and the squawking chicken" or did he mean the above plus "don't even be killing the pesky mosquito and the scary spider." Not that I'm often tempted to eat the latter, but that "do not kill" thing just won't get outta my head and ultimately I keep ending up thinking God meant us to pick fruit and grind flour and get by without klonking anything in the head when our tummies rumbled.

Anybody still awake tell me what YOU think!

Shutting up now,