Thoughts and photos by Lois. It's supposed to be funny, or thought-provoking, or both.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Move Over DIY, It's RYW

Two weeks ago I assigned myself a project: repainting a 2nd hand CL (craigslist) dresser for Laney. This is what I call a "Ruin Your Weekend" project because what with trips to the store, the prep, and the actual work, your weekend is pretty much ruined. But back to the dresser: the person selling it described it as "shabby chic," which was what the prior painter had attempted to achieve; however the outcome would be better represented as "just shabby" mainly because the paint looked like they had stalled at the primer stage. Then it had numerous distressed areas, some clearly planned, others more haphazard, the latter of which, on closer inspection were probably the work of a family pet or large rodent. ANYway . . . the CL set included 2 dressers, and the second serves as the "before" picture since I don't think I have a copy of the original anymore . . . and in my RYW efforts, I decided to go ahead and do something pretty creative, which was to coat it with sufficient quantities of paint to achieve complete coverage (shut up Myra, I know what you're thinking...).


The schedule for ruining my weekend was as follows:

Saturday am Go to Home Despot (you can do it; we will MAKE you) and buy paint, sandpaper, brushes, etc etc. Discuss at length the paint shade and type with HD paint guy. Wait for paint mixing and browse the doorbells (hey, they're right around the corner). Buy materials. Proceed to Manny's parents to borrow sander(s), tools, gloves, steel wool, more sandpaper, and commiserate about how much this project is going to ruin my weekend. Return home and start sanding. Send husband back to HD for spackle to fill most obvious rodent/dog distress marks. Quit sanding at 1130 because garage temperature is approaching 98 degrees. Wipe dresser with steel wool in final feeble attempt to do something as cool as Andrew Dan-Jumbo of HG TV. Complete prep work and collapse, dehydrated in the house, complaining to family of possible heat exhaustion. Render self useless for remainder of day.

Sunday am Arise by 700 with every intention of starting work ASAP. Make coffee and peruse the Sunday paper. Hit the garage promptly at 830 to continue sweatbox torture conditioning. Wipe, steel wool, and blow dust off paintable surfaces. Paint first coat; ask passing neighbor for advice, agree on need to change brush size and direction. Hope this end of dresser will be facing away from high traffic areas. Paint three coats with 1 hour drying intervals and call the job good when garage reaches sauna conditions for second straight day. Fantasize about finding cute girly coordinate drawer knobs for less than $4 each, which has thus far proven impossible. Retreat to air conditioned house and chug gallons of water while texting friends and family of triumphant project completion. Return to garage after dark to reinforce and WD40 sliding drawer hardware.


Monday am Move repainted dresser into Laney's room and resolve to re-post companion dresser on CL rather than attempt repainting it as well. Rationalize that one 24 lb kid does NOT need two dressers and a full-sized closet with shelves! See "after" picture above -- cute affordable drawer knobs still pending (call me a cheapskate but for some reason I cannot spend $50 on cute knobs for a $75 dresser, I just cannot!). I am thrilled to observe that Laney's store-brand pull-ups actually coordinate with the room decor. Life is GOOD! Plan next RYW project: repainting Roman's bedroom over Labor Day Weekend. Crap - viewing this picture just reminded me I wanted to change out those shlumpy bun feet.

Postscript: that "before" picture is actually very flattering: the thing looks much worse in real life. Hmmmm maybe that's the photo I will be posting on CL to get that shabby chic piece out of my garage!!!


Queen B said...

I'm very impressed. Not only would I have been so overwhelmed at Home Depot that I would have left with nothing, any project that starts my weekend off prior to 9am is destined to not get done.


Paula said...

WOW!! I am so impressed! I probably would not have done all the sanding prep-work and then ended up with a dresser that was not so impressive like yours!! Looks fabulous!

Paula said...

PS: "you can do it; we will MAKE you"---LMBO!!!

Andrea said...

I think Paula and I are on the same page. I probably would not have gone through all the sanding and wiping and prepping.

Looks great! And, cute quilt!!

Rochelle said...

Very cute! I like the description of endless conversations about what to do, what you are doing, what you should do, etc. I would have just plowed through it and made a mess of the whole thing! Congrats - great job.

And we can co-sympathize over Labor Day Weekend. We'll be painting the boys' room too.

AND, didn't R start kinder? I don't see a post about that topic. tee hee.

Rochelle said...

oops.. I came here to tell you that I am giving you an award. Visit my blog to get it.


Rochelle said...
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Jinjer said...

Job well done!!!

Jane said...

If Kim wasn't my best friend, Home Depot would be.

Kim Thomas said...

Go to Lowe's!

Seriously good job on the dresser.