Thoughts and photos by Lois. It's supposed to be funny, or thought-provoking, or both.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

US Airways Miracle

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breath free . . .
We've all been tired, huddled, and yearning to breathe free on delayed flights, cancelled flights, flights that return to the gate and off load passengers because of bad weather, lightning strikes, and acts of nature.
But travel challenges aside, all hail the US Airways pilots who landed this plane and saved everyone on board.
We all could use a little good news today.


Jane said...

AMEN!!!!! Great reminder and post!

Queen B said...

definitely great post. This coming on a day where I had to deal with 1-1.5 hour delay due to maintenance issues on my plane, this was a great example of why I should be more patient about those things.

Andrea said...

So very true.

Paula said...

Very true! 3 cheers for the pilot!

Kim Thomas said...

This was so amazing! The pilot is an absolute hero!