Thoughts and photos by Lois. It's supposed to be funny, or thought-provoking, or both.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Mesa AZ Jr High Declared No-Hug Zone

Okay, now you've read it all. According to a newspaper article, about 400 of 1200 kids surveyed at Shepherd Jr High in Mesa "were concerned about public kissing and hugging in the hall." So apparently the school rolled out a new rule against hugging even though "The rule had been in the student handbook previously." I guess I'd like to see this survey. Was that an open ended question on "What concerns you at our school?" Fill in the blank, with a line after it? Was it multiple choice? (circle all that apply)...

But the best part of the story was a run-down of acceptable displays, copied here for the edification of all. The list of acceptable public displays are:
• Stopping and talking in the halls (but moving to the side to allow others to pass).
• Shaking a friend's hand and patting him on the back in a "man hug"
• Draping an arm around someone's shoulder in a "hook hug"
• Holding hands
• Linking arms
• Hugging no longer than 2 seconds
• Respecting other people's opinions and values

First, I must admit I learned a great deal about hugs and hug names (eg the allowed "man hug" and "hook hug") and I regret that the list doesn't include the leaning in "A-frame hug" for people who don't really like each other, or hugging.
Second, I am curious and dismayed about what "displays of affection" in a junior high led to 400 kids expressing concern and the subsequent hug ban.
Most important, what is going on with these kids and the adults in charge of them? How about a policy that encourages them to make good decisions about their behavior? With a description of acceptable hugs this specific, the administration is surely fostering one kind of critical thinking -- encouraging kids to find loopholes. Maybe this incident will produce a few good trial attorneys out of Shepherd Jr High...
Click here for the original article.


Kim Thomas said...

Describe this new rule in one word?


Jane said...

Im a hugger, this is a huge problem for me

Paula said...

Wow, with all the other (and BIGGER) problems facing middle schoolers, THIS is the issue they choose to address? How about wearing pants below the butt? I'd think that would be a bigger fish to fry than hugging..?

Anonymous said...

My sister goes to this school, and I went to this school. I can guarantee that principal needs to be focusing more on the problems of fights, bullying, and drugs, rather than focusing on two people showing how much they care about each other, probably not even seen by that many people.
It's a disgrace.

Jinjer said...

I can't even believe this...a ban on hugging? Don't they have more serious things to ban???

Ann said...

Always something interesting coming out of Mesa. Don't they have anything better to do at that school - like teach the kids???

Queen B said...

They really should just start handing out body condoms in the hallways with all the disruptive hugging!

gosh, I always love shaking hands with my friends. It really reinforces our bonds.

"Man hugs" - those future lawyers better be suing for sexual discrimination - what about the females???

I want the job of the person walking around with a timer and going "BEEP" at 2 seconds!

KT - in 1 word - Nohuggieforyou

Bianka said...

Haha I like the "A-frame hug". I give those to people lately.. TMI but it hurts to hug people regular-style with lactating breasts.