Thoughts and photos by Lois. It's supposed to be funny, or thought-provoking, or both.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Save the Planet - Equal Opportunity

I love this quote from Jennifer Nettles of the band Sugarland on why she joined the virtual march with

"I watch the world. I watch people. I love both. I am afraid of the damage that is being done to both. We are worth protecting. Even if it's from ourselves. We don't have to be perfect. We just have to try. Let's try." is an equal opportunity -- our opportunity -- to make a difference. Can you try?


Queen B said...

I have been "going green" all month. Some changes I have made this year...

-carpooling 3-4 days/week
-brought my own coffee mug to work instead of using paper/styrofoam cups
-signed up for ebills on AMEX
-stopped using plastic shopping bags... bought my own cloth ones, which I LOVE

Jane said...

I made my children go green by giving up water bottles. Now when home they have to refill their own bottle.

Cool website