Thoughts and photos by Lois. It's supposed to be funny, or thought-provoking, or both.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shine On - Cindy Joseph Quote

There's a lot of information out there about feeling happy, being happy, getting happier and the like, but I appreciated this analysis, from an interview with Cindy Joseph in Experience Life magazine:

You've said that embracing pleasure plays a big role in your vitality and happiness. How do you balance pleasure with daily responsibilities and obligations?

I accept that I am the one who creates my obligations. And I always make choices I believe will add pleasure to my life. If I wind up feeling obligated (which is never pleasurable), generally someone else is involved. I check in with them and do what it takes to change the situation so all parties involved are satisfied. If anyone involved is losing, everyone involved loses - and that does not result in pleasure. I remind myself that I always have a choice; I can change any situation so that it becomes pleasurable or I can recognize the pleasure and value that is already there. I've found that living with integrity and being responsible give me pleasure.

Easier said than done -- but a good balance for which to strive.

Photo credit: "Joy: Get Some" taken by Mr. George, summer 2009!


Queen B said...

that is a happy picture!

Diane said...

What joy this little girl brings to you:) She is so cute!

Jane said...

This is awesome!!