Thoughts and photos by Lois. It's supposed to be funny, or thought-provoking, or both.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

My Dyson Is Cooler Than Your Dyson

Limited edition: check
On sale at Target, the Happiest Store on Earth: check
Additional 10% discount for opening Target card: check
Elegant, space age white and violet and steel grey, not chainsaw yellow: check
Lifetime HEPA filters (2!): check
Comes with poster of itself (a poster, what, am I hanging that in my garage?): check (to the poster, not hanging it in garage)

Is it silly to buy a white vacuum, that sucks up dirt and dust and an amazing amount of hair, so much in fact, that if it weren't my own, I would be grossed out? Yes, it is silly. But I LOVE it. I may just have to call it the Dyson of All Power and Beauty (that one's for you Lexis!)


Queen B said...

I do own a purple (NOT yellow) Dyson myself... it was purchased with wedding gift cards, so it was FREE :)

We've had it for nearly 5 years. About a month ago, the King mentioned that we might be needing a new one because it was not really working anymore. Luckily, he then popped open the bottom and realized that it wasn't working because it had an entire wig of my hair wrapped in it. So gross...

LoSpace said...

LOL! Yes! Gross! I am cleaning the brush bar when I wash the HEPA filters once a month. It's like an irish setter lives here!

Jane said...

looks scary